Catalogic and Spectra provide scalable data protection for physical file servers, applications, and virtual environments.

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Cohesity’s integration with Spectra Logic enables seamless interoperability between Cohesity Data Cloud and Spectra Logic object-based disk or object-based tape solutions.

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Spectra Logic and Geyser Data Partner to Launch Industry-First Tape-as-a-Service Offering

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Spectra Logic Extends NetApp StorageGRID with Object-Based Tape Tier

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Arcitecta’s Mediaflux paired with Spectra’s BlackPearl delivers a rich and diverse span of functionality.

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Advanced Tape Storage Integration: HE Data Management Framework & Spectra Tape Libraries

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End-to-End Data Storage & Storage Lifecycle Management with OpenDrives and Spectra Logic

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PoINT Software and Spectra Tape Storage: The Solution for Growth of Unstructured Data

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StorMagic and Spectra Logic: A Complete Active Archive Repository for Video Surveillance, Digital Evidence Management, and Media & Entertainment

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Spectra Logic and Wasabi:
Modern Data Management Solutions for a Multi-Cloud World

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