Archiving to AWS vs. Iron Mountain – The Diminishing Point of Return Comes Quickly

One of the most common words to frequent conversations in the computer industry today is “cloud.” Seemingly, this single word would represent a singular approach, but that is far from the truth. There are many types of applications/uses for the cloud. There has been a major push to take software applications to the cloud (Software as a Service/SaaS). An even broader approach takes the compute process as well as applications to the cloud (cloud compute). One of the most popular uses for the cloud is transcoding and distribution – the ability to convert a single media file from its source format into multiple formats which allow the file to be played back on various devices such as tablets, smartphones, PCs, etc. — and then distribute it to users. Backing up files to the cloud has also become a popular process, especially for small data sets such as on smartphones or personal computers.