Spectra and Commvault solutions provide a silver bullet for data growth challenges.


Commvault and Spectra Logic Solution

Commvault® and Spectra Logic® address the increasing data protection and archive challenges of a digital world. Commvault software and Spectra Logic disk and tape products provide a scalable, cost-effective data management platform to address considerable storage and performance requirements. The combination provides a “silver bullet” to ensure fast, secure and comprehensive backup and archiving.

Commvault Software Solution

Commvault Software is comprised of data management modules built on a single unifying code base and is designed to provide the ability to protect, manage and access data and information, regardless of where that data might reside. Commvault Complete™ Backup & Recovery software and the Commvault appliance, operational with compatible Spectra disk and tape, enhances your data protection and archive capabilities. Users can utilize the Commvault Windows CommServe™ Server, which provides policy and configuration management; Commvault Media Agent Servicers (Windows, Unix or Linux), which serve as data transport engines between backup/archive clients and back-end media; and a Spectra® BlackPearl® NAS Solution, which serves as nearline disk storage.

Low-Cost Backup and Archive for Long-Term Retention 

  • Optimized disk or tape platform for nearline backup & archive
  • Scalable, cost-effective data management
  • Source-based deduplication for fast, efficient backups
  • Common management interface for policy-based data access and control

Spectra Storage Products Solutions

Spectra disk and tape products are designed from the ground up to be used as reliable backup and archive storage targets, providing ease of use, scalability and cost effectiveness. The Spectra BlackPearl® NAS Solution’s flexibility delivers capacity, protection and performance options, while tape offers the most cost-effective, long-term storage. Spectra and Commvault compatibility enables resources to be shared between Commvault Media Agents servers and can be optimized for performance or capacity-based needs. Silver Bullet Protection
  • Cost: Tape as low as 2¢/GB (online) and 5¢/GB (offline); disk as low as 7.5¢/GB
  • Performance: Scale to 144 tape drives with throughput at 207TB/hr uncompressed, 466TB/hr compressed*; disk achieves up to 1GB/sec
  • Scalability: Over 2 exabytes of capacity in a single Spectra TFinity® Tape Library, and 10.7PB in a single BlackPearl NAS disk rack.

Key Benefits

  • Enterprise-class solutions that can scale to exabytes
  • Protects and preserves archive data
  • Simplifies tiered storage management
  • Reduces power consumption
  • Creates foundation for regulatory compliance