Chief Marketing Officer, OpenDrives
OpenDrives is deeply committed to helping our customers outperform. From our first product onward, which was a solution that our founders created to solve their own storage problems in a data-intensive industry, we’ve brought to market high-performance storage solutions that enable our users to unleash their organization’s full potential. Whether our customers need data storage that’s fast, flexible, scalable, dependable, or easy to deploy and manage, we deliver capabilities that go well beyond their expectations. We know that if we do this, then our customers can do more, accomplish more, and exceed their own organizational goals. But here’s a little secret—we haven’t always done this alone.
OpenDrives has been fortunate along the way to partner with key organizations that share this mission and our passion for customer satisfaction. We’ve partnered with world-class companies when both parties realized that our visions were aligned, our solutions were complementary, and the result of our partnership would create something greater than what we could deliver on our own. When the whole would be greater than the component parts. When together we could outperform and help our customers do the same. These were the conditions that led us to partner with industry leaders such as Adobe and Blackmagic, both of whom provide powerful end-user software, and with hardware titans NVIDIA and AMD, whose solutions are globally recognized. We really value that team approach to solving industry problems.
This is the reason we’re celebrating our recent partnership with Spectra Logic. Rather than meeting more narrow customer needs individually—such as high-performance storage throughput, management of all data movement, or more efficient secondary storage tiers—OpenDrives and Spectra Logic have joined forces to develop a true performant end-to-end solution addressing the challenges of storage lifecycle management. Our customers don’t want to cobble together a solution to these different problems on their own, with multiple vendors whose products may or may not play well with others. They want a seamless solution that balances the speed of access with the cost of storage to preserve data for as long as needed, all while making storage lifecycle management highly efficient and usable.
Our two companies are simpatico in that we share the same customer-focused ideals and especially a desire to outperform together by leveraging the other’s strengths. We’ve had a fantastic working relationship with Spectra Logic, and we look forward to the future successes that this partnership will yield. And yet, right now we’re just enjoying the present moment and the storage lifecycle management solution we’re collaboratively bringing to market. We know that it will resonate with prospects and current customers alike.
With Spectra Logic, we have developed a two-tier solution. High-performance OpenDrives Ultra products (Ultimate, Optimum, and Momentum) serve as the primary storage tier and can be distributed to multiple locations or silos. Spectra’s BlackPearl Converged Storage provides a perpetual storage tier. The entire solution is orchestrated by Spectra’s StorCycle storage lifecycle management software, which can run on a dedicated server or virtual machine, and possesses three high-value qualities:
- It’s a complete solution that accommodates all types of data (both active and inactive) for the purposes of processing, sharing, or long-term storage.
- It’s a modern solution that can adapt and scale to meet the needs of any enterprise.
- It’s a software-based solution that puts the focus on high performance, resiliency, and data integrity.
We’re confident that our technical collaboration and partnership with Spectra Logic has brought about a better way to manage data storage throughout its entire lifecycle. And we know that a short post like this can only explain so much, so we’d love for you to check out some of the details and have a discussion with us about how we can specifically address your data storage lifecycle management needs.