
All product names, whether or not appearing in large print or with the trademark symbol, are trademarks of Spectra Logic Corporation, its affiliates, related companies or its licensors or joint venture partners, unless otherwise noted.

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Spectra Logic Trademarks

WordmarkStatusInternational ClassU.S. Class(es)U.S. Serial NumberU.S. Registration NumberOwners
ARCTICBLUE®Live | Registered009021, 023, 026, 036, 038866867595459401Spectra Logic Corporation
BLACKPEARL®Live | Registered009021, 023, 026, 036, 038860743964773492Spectra Logic Corporation
BLUESCALE®Live | Registered009021, 023, 026, 036, 038785342983094346Spectra Logic Corporation
RioBroker®Live | Registered009021, 023, 026, 036, 038883446036059875Spectra Logic Corporation
SPECTRA CUBE™Live | Pending009021, 023, 026, 036, 03898232863Spectra Logic Corporation
SPECTRA LOGIC®Live | Registered009021, 023, 026, 036, 038755916232463182Spectra Logic Corporation
SPECTRA VAIL®Live | Registered009021, 023, 026, 036, 038889497306297018Spectra Logic Corporation
SPECTRA®Live | Registered009021, 023, 026, 036, 038763764852801027Spectra Logic Corporation
SPECTRAGUARD®Live | Registered042100, 101782262782911723Spectra Logic Corporation
StorCycle®Live | Registered009021, 023, 026, 036, 038883733455974111Spectra Logic Corporation
TERAPACK®Live | Registered009021, 023, 026, 036, 038781861742809508Spectra Logic Corporation
TFINITY®Live | Registered009021, 023, 026, 036, 038865397874957110Spectra Logic Corporation
TRANSCALE®Live | Registered009021, 023, 026, 036, 038772796443673631Spectra Logic Corporation

Third-Party Trademarks

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