Protecting Your Tape Technology Investment
Tape is designed for long-term data storage, but too often, users must sacrifice their existing investment in tape drives when they move to a new library. Spectra MigrationPass eliminates the need to make that costly decision. MigrationPass starts with the unique ability to migrate your existing tape drives into your new Spectra library. It also includes a program to help you migrate to later LTO generations as they are released. This unprecedented offering protects user investment while providing a truly open approach to working with a technology designed for multi-generation use.
MigrationPass Example
Retain your investment in non-Spectra drives and media by moving them into the versatile Spectra Stack library.
With Spectra Stack’s ability to read all LTO generations back to LTO-3 media, the Spectra Stack is supports virtually any tape environment. By partitioning the library for multiple LTO generations, migration to newer tape and drive technology can happen transparently to other daily operations.

Spectra MigrationPass Services
Maintaining access to existing applications is relatively straightforward when migrating from one tape library to another.
- What happens when you need to migrate from the data application itself?
- How is the metadata transferred?
- How are competing applications maintained in the same system simultaneously?
- How do you migrate data to the newest tape technology?
Spectra’s Professional Services team regularly supports thousands of users with these issues. Let our experts guide you through the process.
MigrationPass is designed to provide the support and resources to make the plan and migration seamless. Spectra Migration Services includes
- Free Shared Library Services (SLS) license to enable separate library partitions
- Free two-hour migration consultation – Spectra Professional Services will remotely help you through the step-by-step physical migration process to make sure it goes smoothly
- Ability to use existing tape drives and tape media in your new Spectra library (refer to Spectra tape library support matrix for the supported drive types and media)
Preserve Your Spectra Library Investment
Spectra tape libraries are designed with investment protection in mind. The unique ability to move existing tape drives into a new Spectra tape library assures investment protection on the front end, but what about customers who eventually outgrow their Spectra library? That’s where MigrationPass comes into play again.
The Spectra MigrationPass process was created to expand from one tape library to the next in our Enterprise library line. Simply put, users can interchange the most expensive components between Spectra libraries. Just move existing tapes and tape drives to one of Spectra’s enterprise libraries – Spectra Cube, T950 or TFinity® ExaScale. As you grow, you continue to use your original tape drives and media in your new Spectra library. MigrationPass provides a cost-effective lifetime investment in storage, allowing you to scale your hardware and software to make your capacity upgrades quick, seamless and affordable.
No mater the elevation, we help you over the pass
We live in mountains of data and tape, so no migration is too daunting for our experienced mountaineers, who will get you over the hill safely and settled into a better way to manage your data.