Preserve. Protect. Defend. Repeat.​

Take the Work Out of Secondary Storage Workflows

We’ve integrated our data management software & storage systems to deliver complete end-to-end solutions for preserving & protecting data at scale. Whether files or objects, backups, or active- & long-term archives, Spectra solutions cost-effectively safeguard your organization’s data – from terabytes to exabytes.

Our End-to-End Solutions

Object-Based Tape

Create secure & resilient S3 Glacier-compatible storage tiers with better-than-cloud performance & compelling savings.

Spectra Digital Archive

Automate digital preservation with easy, efficient tiering that optimizes cost & power consumption.

High Performance Data Mover

Spectra Media Archive

Integrate popular media management apps with object-based tape to streamline workflows from ingest to distribution.

Tape Archive Platform-as-a-Service

Combines the benefits of traditional tape storage with the convenience and flexibility of a cloud-based, as-a-service model.

Our Foundational Technologies

Data Management

Data Management Software

Spectra makes managing secondary storage workflows simpler, faster and more cost-effective. Our software unifies data access across clouds, automates digital preservation and transparently accelerates large file transfers. Spectra data management software plays an integral part in each of our end-to-end solutions.

Hybrid Storage

File & Object Storage

Spectra takes the tedium out of tiering with our popular BlackPearl cloud & tape-extensible disk storage. BlackPearl storage enables you to securely & cost-effectively preserve & protect backup and long-term data, on-premises or in the cloud. These systems are foundational elements of all our end-to-end solutions.

Tape Libriaries

Tape Storage

Spectra tape storage is the smart choice to protect your organization’s long-term data at scale. Enjoy industry-leading capacity, performance & resilience – with economics your C-level will love. Fully modernized to support both file-based & object-based tape applications, Spectra libraries enable tape tiers to be readily added to hybrid cloud storage environments.

Popular Use Cases

69% of CISOs expect to be attacked by ransomware at least once in the next year. Will you be ready?


Bring the high cost of cloud storage down to earth?

No problem. Spectra object-based tape solutions cost up to 66% less than comparable public cloud storage.