Spectra Confirms its Software Strategy with StorCycle

In an article recently posted to the FST Blog, Philippe Nicolas, consultant and lead analyst with Coldago, describes Spectra’s new storage lifecycle management software, StorCycle®. Nicolas defines StorCycle as a sophisticated and modern software that generates economy for primary storage backup and reduces cost of Primary Tier as volume is optimized. He notes that Spectra promotes a two-tier model with a first tier being the Primary Tier for production data and the second tier named the Perpetual Tier with various devices and entities between tape libraries, NAS, object storage and even cloud storage with an S3 API protocol exposed.

“The idea is to reduce primary storage costs by migrating and storing inactive – non accessed – data on cheaper storage devices,” Nicolas details. “The other key element with multiple storage entities on tier two is the capability to pick the right device to migrate data and satisfy a good enough access time for future accesses. For TCO and large-scale environments, StorCycle is a very interesting approach that confirms the Spectra software strategy”.

Read the full article on the FST Blog website here.

In addition, Coldago’s Philippe Nicolas conducted an end-user survey that resulted in Spectra Logic being named the top Secondary Storage vendor. Read the full Coldago Research Survey 2020 here.

Learn more about Spectra’s StorCycle® storage lifecycle management software here.