By Mat Brown
President, One Technology
Hey kids! It’s One Technology‘s Customer-Success-Story-Time! This week’s story is about Joseph Smith II and his adventures with Spectra Logic’s StorCycle! Here we go friends…
From the Town of Castle Rock or thereabouts,
near the outlet mall and the new In-N-Outs!
There was an engineer named Joe who hadn’t a fear,
but the stale old data was a pain in his rear.So Joe called his friends at the old pirate ship,
They said, “we know what to do, we’ll make the short trip.”
They swung by Spectra Logic to grab all the tools,
then off to Castle Rock to set new storage rules!
near the outlet mall and the new In-N-Outs!
There was an engineer named Joe who hadn’t a fear,
but the stale old data was a pain in his rear.So Joe called his friends at the old pirate ship,
They said, “we know what to do, we’ll make the short trip.”
They swung by Spectra Logic to grab all the tools,
then off to Castle Rock to set new storage rules!
They turned StorCycle on and let it run for awhile,
and scarfed down their burgers which were animal style.
Before they knew it the software was deployed,
and all the people in the town were overjoyed!
When data gets messy and you have storage issues,
Spectra’s StorCycle will save you on tissues.
The software runs as easy as pie,
and guarantees you a huge ROI!
If you want to learn more just look below,
move your cursor around and then click on Joe!