Globus World

Intercontinental Hotel Chicago, IL, United States

Join us for the annual GlobusWorld conference, April 25-27, 2023 – in Chicago or online! GlobusWorld brings together researchers, systems administrators, developers and IT leaders from top research computing centers, national labs, federal agencies, and universities around the world. The event is designed to provide new insights into managing research data and storage at scale,...

ISC Germany, Booth #E509

Hamburg, Germany Hamburg, Germany

THE EVENT FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, MACHINE LEARNING, DATA ANALYTICS & QUANTUM COMPUTING ISC High Performance 2023 connects public and industry users and technology developers in Hamburg, Germany, from May 21 – 25. Expect an active collaborative exchange on high performance computing, machine learning, data analytics and quantum computing.

GITEX 2023 – Dubai World Trade Centre

Dubai World Trade Centre Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Converging and unifying the world’s leading tech protagonists, inventors, academia, researchers and developers, GITEX 2023 will also supercharge the epic global race for AI supremacy, manifesting and translating gen-now tech...

SC23, Denver, Colorado – Spectra Booth #1237

Denver Convention Center Denver

The International Conference for High-Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis   Denver is the place to be this fall as the high-performance computing community convenes for an exhilarating week of...